Friday, April 12, 2013

Chocolate Chiffon Cake with Chantilly Cream

Love those Cakes you buy at the Asian Bakery! Here's a recipe I found! It's perfect! Light, airy and moist!!! I used Dark Cocoa, but regular works perfect! My next one will be prettier with blueberries, strawberries, kiwi and maybe mango or mandarins! I'm also going to make cupcake size ones soon! Also can be made as cupcakes!

from Young Mo Kim's 
A Collection of Fine Baking

6 egg yolks
*1/2 cup and 1 tbs sugar
1/2 cup and 4 tspn water
1/2 cup and 4 tspn olive oil
1 ½  cups and 1 tbs cake flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
2 tsp baking powder
10 egg whites
**¾ cup brown sugar

Chantilly Cream:
1 ½ cups heavy cream
2 ½ tbs sugar
1 tspn rum or vanilla

dark chocolate 315 g (11 oz)
white chocolate 315 g (11 oz)
fruit (strawberry, blueberry, mandarin, kiwi, etc)

baking time: 55 minutes @ 300degrees F


1.                   Preheat the oven to 300 degreesF. Put egg yolks in a large bowl and beat for about 10 seconds. Then, add * sugar and beat at high speed for about 2 minutes or until the color lightens.
2.                  Add water and beat. Then, add olive oil and beat well.
3.                  Mix cake flour, baking powder, and cocoa powder and sift three times and then add to the batter. Beat until you no longer see any powder.
4.                  Then, in a separate bowl, make a meringue using the egg whites and **brown sugar
5.                  Add half of the meringue to the batter and fold in using a spatula. Then, add the rest of the meringue and fold in.
6.                  Fill sprayed pans with batter. Then, use a chopstick or any clean stick to dip in the batter and go around the pan twice to get the air out from the batter.
7.                  Bake at 300degrees F for about 55 minutes or until golden brown.  Let cool.

Chantilly Cream:
In a separate bowl, put heavy cream, sugar and rum and beat until it is stiff (remember to add the sugar half at a time for better results).
1.                   Slice the sponge in half and apply a layer of cream. Put on the upper sponge and transfer the cake to the turntable.
2.                  Put a thick layer of chantilly cream on the top first, then put enough in the center to cover the sponge. Put cream around the side using a metal spatula.
3.                  Put a generous amount of the cream on the spatula and gently press against the side and drag about 2" (5 cm) as you turn the cake around. Repeat this process and decorate all around the cake.
4.                  Put another portion of the cream on the tip of the spatula and place it on top of the cake as shown.
5.                  Use a knife to scrape both chocolates slowly toward yourself for the decoration, making curls.
6.                  Decorate half of the cake with the white chocolate shavings and the other half with the dark chocolate shavings. Pour on some chocolate syrup to finish the decoration.